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Literary Devices


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Authors also manipulate the language of their works to create a desired response from the reader. Rhetorical devices draw the reader's attention to the text and to make the characters' conversations more realistic. Some rhetorical devices are:

An Anacoluthon is an abrupt change of syntax in sentence structure. For example: a sentence sets up a subject and verb, but then the sentence changes its structure so that no direct object is given.

An Analogy is a comparison based on similarity; a form of logical inference.

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within a short passage .

A Chiastic Structure is a figure of speech based on inverted parallelism; a rhetorical figure in which two clauses are related to each another through a reversal of terms in order to make a larger meaning.

Conceit is an extended metaphor, associated with metaphysical poetry. Images and ideas are juxtaposed in surprising ways to provoke the reader into a more sophisticated understanding of an object of comparison.

Constrained Writing is a form of writing in which artificial constraints are imposed, such as a story told in one syllable words.

Diction refers the precise choice of words based on their connotation and meaning.

Epithet is a descriptive word or phrase often metaphoric that are frequently attached to names.

Juxtaposition is the placing together two elements for comparison or contrast.

A Metaphor is a direct comparison between two or more seemingly unrelated subjects.

An Oxymoron combines two normally contradictory terms; for example "falsely true"

A Parade of Horribles is a rhetorical device used by the speaker who argues something by listing a number of extremely undesirable consequences.

Parallelism is a balance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses; to give two or more parts of the sentences a similar form so as to give the whole a definite pattern.

Parody is ridicule by imitation, usually humorous.

Personification is a figure of speech which involves directly speaking of an inanimate object, or an abstract concept, as if were a living entity.

A Rhetorical Question is a figure of speech in the form of a question posed for rhetorical effect rather than for the purpose of getting an answer.

A Simile is a figure of speech in which the object is compared to another object using the words "like" or "as".

Symbolism is the creative use of arbitrary symbols as abstract representations of concepts or objects or of attribution of symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.

Writer's voice describes the individual writing style of an author, writer's use of syntax, diction, punctuation, character development, dialogue, etc.

Word Play is a literary technique in which the nature of the words used themselves become part of the work. Puns, phonetic mix-ups, rhetorical excursions, oddly formed sentences are common examples of word play.

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